January 27, 2015
Work is progressing on the hyperbaric area at the New Royal Adelaide hospital. The chamber, Air recievers and Deluge tanks, which were shipped from Fink Engineering’s works in Queensland before the festive season, are now in position in the hyperbaric area which is starting to take shape. The hyperbaric plant room is nearing completion which will allow the compressors to be loaded in and the supporting pipework to be run to the chamber area.
Triple Lock Hyperbaric Chamber being moved into position at the New royal Adelaide hospital. A trolley was built to accommodate the chamber and move it through the carpark area to its new home inside the hospital. The Hyperbaric unit is currently being built around the chamber and the New Hospital is scheduled for completion in 2016.
The triple lock Hyperbaric chamber in position at the New Royal Adelaide Hospital as construction work continues. This picture shows the process of cladding the chamber to allow it to blend into the hospital decor.